The Southlake Women’s Club hosts monthly luncheon programs from September through May, typically on the 2nd Thursday of the month from 11:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Most meetings are held in Southlake, though locations do vary so always check the calendar or our Facebook page for details.
Our monthly programs offer a variety of interesting speakers and presentations, as well as time for socializing. We also conduct club business at the start of each meeting, so it’s a great opportunity for members to learn what’s in the works and stay informed about upcoming events and opportunities.

We also typically hold at least one social activity or outing each month. Our Social VP & her committee work hard to provide opportunities for members to strengthen friendships, enjoy local restaurants and other businesses, and generally relax!
Some socials are casual, while others offer dressier occasions. We even have a “Plus One” event each year, where members are encouraged to bring their spouses, significant others, or friends. Come join us!